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I Spent $65 On Ads & Made $7,000 In A Few Days. Here's How I Did It:

Writer's picture: Sami ChepiSami Chepi

Updated: Jan 15, 2024

The last blog post we talked about how we created The Paper Money using $100 and how we invested $65 in running ads for our website. It was spread out across different pages as we were doing promos at that time. It was pointless for us to start using Facebook Ads right off the bat. The one thing I realized at that time was that nobody knew who we are. (I mean nobody knows who we are now but that's not the point lol)

No one knew what our name stood for or what we had to offer so the first set of ads couldn't be about what we are selling because normally people tend to not trust products from people they do not know, even if it is recommended by someone they are familiar with.

Psychologically speaking, humans tend lower their guard down when they are familiar with something. This doesn't mean they fully trust you but it just means that they have something they can relate to. At that time we had pages posting ads for $5 but times have changed now, you can get an ad slot for $12 to $15 or so. Instagram promos are a hit or miss sometimes that is why you shouldn't focus too much on selling, if you don't even get someone to follow you then there's no way you can collect data because not everyone who visits your profile is interested in you. Those who tend to stick around are more open to being sold to than those who come and go. I like to think of an Instagram profile visit as one night stand. You had a really good pitch but then it's all temporary. You can't even call them back cause well- you get it.

So we had a specific ad timetable, we chose 3 pages to run ads for us and we ran 2 ads with them daily. They were all spaced out but because the content was very organic, nobody noticed that the content was the ad. I believe that someone needs to see your content or product 7 times before they purchase from you and by using 3 different pages of the same niche we had a total of 6 ads daily. That's also where the $65 went. The very first ad was a bust, I hated the turnout. No likes, no sales and nobody even commented on anything. It was horrible BUT I took the time to research other popular pages, spent a lot of time on Pinterest and reinvented my ad once again.

Here's what happened: We got more followers, which I personally do not adore. Followers do not equal sales because while some ads didn't give us any leads, we got followers.

But we also got a lot of subscribers on our mailing list. Which I loved because I knew that once we got to 500 subscribers I could introduce something new and sell.

Because we had a lot of people agreeing with our content, we started making money through our book The Money Maker. This book was first written in 2015 if I'm not mistaken. We revamped it to sell on TPM. We then got a lot of feedback and the reviews started popping in. The first $65 gave us $300 in 24 hours. Then the $65 gave $1,000, so we reinvested $300 back into our ads, then gave us $7,000 because instead of targeting one page, we had the same content spread across multiple pages. We ran similar content throughout these pages to sort of bounce people's attention and have them think, "oh wait, I think I know where this is from."

I know for sure that if we didn't have the right content, or if we didn't bother to tweak our content based off the data we had, we would have spent $65 and gotten nothing in return.

The key is to reinvest your money into what works for your business. There's no overnight growth. It would have been more if we had a $95 course in the beginning however our ebooks were only $5.99 to $15.99. So making $1,000 from a $5.99 product required a lot of conversions. I am not saying you should be very affordable because our goal was different. We wanted to build our mailing list so that we can retarget and upsell in the future. This worked in our favour because the same people who got our Money Maker Workbook and Business Plan for $5.99 on day one of running ads, also bought our Factory Contact List. We were just playing a game of generating leads and upselling. Our next day ads also followed the same formula.

Your ads should be a vehicle that take your customers on a journey. The problem with a lot of business owners is that, they want their ads to serve their short term goals. It's not a problem when it works but when it doesn't, you are left with an expense you begin regretting as time flies. "I Hate paying for ads, they're not profitable" Yes because you are looking for meaningful relationships with a one night stand. How is that going to work when both of you are (subconsciously) not committed? I like to take our customers on a journey because that's how we managed to keep a loyal customer base of over 4,000 people who keep buying resources from us every year. They're not even customers anymore, they're family.

With that being said, here's our formula from our "How To Make $100K in One Year."

These were our weekly campaigns but we changed it to months because I would rather give you time to adjust vs rush because of a timeline I am used to.

The Formula:

  • Run 3 to 5 ads with either FB or popular pages

  • Send 1 or 2 email campaigns daily

  • Send 20-30 DMS to your followers, target audience and more.

  • Comment on posts offering free valuable advice

  • Offer a coupon code to your followers

  • Link your product to your story

What works for me?

I send email campaigns almost everyday. I send about 3 to 10 emails per day targeting different people on my list. I also have my team post a lot on the page. Especially if I am looking to sell. I run ads twice a day.

Month One:

  • Raise Awareness through content

  • Post information about your products

  • Ask people to participate in your survey or take a quiz on your website

Month Two:

  • Continue to build your email list

  • Post Webinars, free consultations, free tutorials

  • Run ads using your information as content

Month Three:

  • Pitch your products

  • Post offers, deals, information etc

  • Post your products, Send emails, Send DMs all week.

Month Four:

  • Create sales. Run daily ads pitching your product

  • Post on your story daily

  • Post your products, Send emails, Send DMs all week

Rinse and repeat for the rest of the year, keep your strategies in rotation, tweak and increase what works, double down on what does not work.

Tips To Remember During The Process

  • Frequency-Show your products 7 to 8 times

  • Funnel- Create sales funnels to make it easier

  • Simplicity-People want a seamless shopping experience

  • Reliability-Your website and service needs to be reliable

  • Personal-Make it personal, it's about them not you

  • Marketing-Know how to approach your customers

In honor of our upcoming 5th anniversary, we're bringing back the revised version of our ebook "How to Make $100K in One Year." From awareness-building content to branding tips, it's filled with at least 50 pages worth of insights. It's available for $10.99 to the first 1,000 people. Don't miss out!


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