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Pet Store Vendor

Pet Store Vendor


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Fortune Business Insights says that the global market size was USD 5.01 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach USD 7.0 billion by 2028, this means that there aren't a lot of pet stores and products which translates to the market is not saturated or crowded. This means you have a chance of making this product niche a unique experience for your brand.The competition is fairly low compared to beauty related products, which means your price mark-up can be slightly higher and you can offer premium prices for certain products. 


The market is also full of opportunities, disabled pets, guard dogs, help dogs etc etc Pet clothes is a very targeted niche with a specific target audience, which might be difficult to survive off as a business in the early stages, that is why we included pet beds, pet tools and accessories and a lot of the vendors also offer extras. Just ask for the catalogue. We’ve partnered with some suppliers on Alibaba and some found locally in China to bring you good quality products. Our factory suppliers are mostly based in China but for some select items some suppliers can be found elsewhere for example Peru, America, Vietnam, Japan, Korea etc. 


This is a downloadable PDF that has: 10 factory contacts that provides 


  • Hoodies 

  • Collars 

  • Scarves 

  • Pet Beds 

  • Pet Toys 

  • Pet Tools 

  • Cat Litter 

  • Cat Tower/tree 

  • Pet Accessories 

    This contact list comes as whatsapp numbers, email addresses, alibaba profiles, wechat, Skype or normal telephone numbers so please make sure you install the apps needed to communicate. Are you ready to start your own pet clothing brand in your city? This contact list comes as whatsapp numbers, email addresses, alibaba profiles, wechat, Skype or normal telephone numbers so please make sure you install the apps needed to communicate.

  • PDF

  • This disclaimer applies to all of our suppliers.

    When you buy from us, you are buying from a company that has worked hard to build an ethical and sustainable reputation for itself. We work with suppliers who share our values and who value their employees, their customers, and the environment. Our goal is to source products that are affordable and premium quality, and we take great pride in having established a positive relationship with a lot of our suppliers.

    However, we do not control our suppliers' pricing or manufacturing practices, you are responsible for knowing what your needs are when shopping online with them. You should use caution when making a purchase from them; if you have any questions about the product(s) you're interested in purchasing but remain unsure, please contact us directly so we can guide you through the process of finding out more information about it!

    We want to make sure you have a great experience with our suppliers, but we can't be responsible for everything that happens. The suppliers are independent businesses, and we do not control them. If you have an issue with any of the suppliers on our list, please contact them directly.

    We work hard to keep our supplier list up-to-date, and we'll do whatever it takes to help you source items if that's what you need!

    If you have questions about where a particular item comes from, feel free to contact us via our chat section.

    *no refunds eligible for digital products

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